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(1 edit) (+1)

Ah thanks so much for the feedback! Super happy you enjoyed it!

The main idea was to have the player be exactly the same as the other zombies, but just have that edge being less predictable in the paths you take. So when you group up with part of a hoard you kind of merge in, but you can still go where you want.

I was tweaking the range of detection and speed the enemies shoot to find that sweet spot, where the zombies aren't useless, but not too strong? Hopefully I'm explaining it well aha.. But you're totally right, i dont think it's working trying to do both. I should consider having the zombies be more vulnerable without you there. Maybe the zombies speed up when you get close to them, and slow down the further you get away? You think that would work, or can you think of something better?

Thanks again dude, you got me thinking. Really appreciate the comment!