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A very strong start to a very promising visual novel! The premise is heartwarming in and of itself, that one of the stars cares so much about the planet and the people who live there that they set off on this journey to make people happy. The MC customization is a fun bonus, including the ability to set their love language, and the character design in general is amazing: Outfits are great across the board and everyone's sprites are awesome, with my favorite touches being Doroya's eyes, Arietta's kirin-style horns and Goro's scale pattern (and fangs)! Art direction is general is very strong, down to the cute star icons, and there was no hard-to-read text or non-intuitive mechanics. The characters are all immediately interesting and I'm looking forward to meeting any others who appear during the game, plus I appreciate being able to select different 'attitudes' for the MC's dialogue, which I think will add replay value to subsequent playthroughs. The music fit the scenes perfectly and the audio was excellent, though the audio quality for Yorne's lines isn't up to that of the others'. A minor quibble, though, and it didn't detract from my enjoyment of this demo.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing where the Dimlight Cafe goes from here!