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This has to be my favorite entry so far. The dialogue is really great. I used to work as a cab driver, and you captured that exact feeling of awkward conversation that sometimes happens while driving with strangers. There is the feeling of wanting to know more, or to help, but then also wanting to maintain a professional distance from their personal lives.

There were some minor bugs that I encountered. A few times I delivered people to the right floor, but the game registered it as wrong. I couldn't progress past day 5 for some reason. On at least one occasion the door stayed open while the elevator was moving. Aside from those issues though, you did a great job. I'd really like to play the whole game at some point, so if you end up releasing a version with some bugfixes, please let me know.


Yep, same thing happened to me. On day 5 the game registered some button presses as wrong when they weren't and then softlocked.