☢"Okay then. Keep an eye on it though."☢
☄the men leave, and the child hugs you, a little more relaxed then before☄
🌑ThAnK yOu FoR nOt GiViNg Me AwAy.. ThOsE gUyS aRe TrYiNg To CaPtUrE mE fOr ReWaRd MoNeY... i JuSt EsCaPeD.. iTs TrAuMaTiC tO bE iN. ThEy ToRtUrE yOu HoWeVeR tHeY wAnT, mAy It KiLl YoU, oR dIsAbLe YoU fOr ThE rEsT oF yOuR lIfe...🌑