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Alright, since I looked up and found out he's gay..what type of man you want like sensitive or hard?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don’t know

Alright, I'll give you some soft boys and you pick which one. Also I'll give the quirk when you choose that person.






alright, his quirk is Plantonin 

pronounce: Plan-tone-in 

He can grow plants through anywhere on his body if there is soil or sun out, he can grow any type of plants as long as he gets the right diet so he can make poisonous plants or he can make healing plants if he eats what he's supposed to-to grow them the next day. He has a book with him that can tell him the diet or food he has to eat too make the plants the right plant.


Mhm, I have a question before we start this rp..


Do you want this to be a NSFW rp or no?