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1. I treid beating 1-3 weaponless to see what you mean about that corridor. I first tried it, first i made myself visble to them and then hid in the room i came from once they came close enough i killed them.

2. The 3-3 start is not hard foot only, you don't know how to doge. I don't know if it' a bug but if you walk in a curved line the goons will rarley hit you.

You can't complain about how hard it was foot only, you knew what you were getting into if you finished the game normally.

 I suppose, you didn't understand the main point of my comment about 1*3. 

>i made myself visble to them and then hid in the room

 i came from once they came close enough i killed them.

waiting for enemies is the worst style of playing Beat'em'up games. The best results can be

achieved only by playing aggressively. So i did it, I didn't bait them and stand still. 

I attacked until at one point I got to them faster than I was shot. I did it because 

I doesn't want to lose time. the problem 1*3 is that in a room with an UZI, when attacking,

you should only hope for luck, there is no trick that would require skill

and give you the opportunity to run through the room. 

("the corridor with two UZIs gives you no chances. You have either good time or no weapons run.")- that's what i mean.

>you don't know how to doge

I replayed 3*3 and i would like to admit that strafes make run more stable,

but the element of chance is still enough to die instantly. The 100% stable way is running backwards

Well my point kinda was the foot only mode isn't meant to be fun. It's more an extra challenge but i get what you mean.