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This demo is kinda short, yet made me feel very hyped for what you guys are cooking for us in the backstage >w>

Looks like the story will be very interesting, I can't wait to see all the interactions we'll have with the other survivors and how our choices might affect the plot :3

One thing I'm wondering about though, I've heard you guys want us to imagine our fursonas as the main character instead of giving them its own design...isn't that going to make the creation of pictures (where us, the main character, is interacting with the other survivors) kinda hard considering the MC won't be allowed to appear in it at all? And, assuming you guys insert NSFW stuff here (idk if y'all actually will but this is just an example), this will be even more difficult for...obvious, wondering if y'all have considered giving the MC its own design or maybe a character creation thingy when we start off the game? Talking about the latter, I know, I know this is something hard to implement, but it doesn't need to be suuuuuper advanced where everyone can literally recreate their fursona here, no, a very simple one would do, just put some species there with some color options and call it a day (maybe not even the color stuff, just make the player say what specie their fursona is and done lol). Meanwhile, the former might make it easier for the artists to draw the pictures, considering they won't need to draw the MC over and over according to the specie the players choose...sorry for the big wall of text, this was going to be a simple question and became a suggestion as well pfffff x3, anyhow, I'm fine with having to imagine my fursona (this boy in my profile) as the MC, just wondering how y'all will handle the picture stuff VNs have tbh

And again, I'm really looking forward for the next updates, hope to see more from you guys soon :3, or not, no need to rush the development, take everything slowly and we shall witness a masterpiece whenever it's ready >:3