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Agouro is a storytelling game of occult fantasy, told through tarot cards.

The PDF is 90 pages, with lovely layout and extremely clean, easy to read, and well-organized text.

Right off the bat, there's a lot of little toggles. You can encourage or restrict content, GM or co-GM, and limit or expand the length of the game.

The game also has an unusual voice, using "we" instead of "you," and this gives a ritual feel to the instructions---which I'm having a hard time assuming isn't deliberate.

Character creation has some interesting complexity to it, in that choosing each character class (represented by a specific major arcana card) also removes another class from the selection pool. Character elements are also all non-mechanical, so while you're still making quite a few decisions during creation, they don't revolve around where you want to put a +1 or a +2.

Agouro has a lot of mechanics to shape its core gameplay, but they're all relatively simple and interesting and they connect together quite intricately. They center around the Wheel Of Fortune, which is basically a gameboard everyone can move a token around. Where the token lands determines what kind of scene is framed. Within that scene, everyone moves their protagonists freely until it comes time to resolve it, at which point the players choose how much of their character's safety they wish to wager, and draw cards from a series of sorted piles in front of them (ranging from mostly low cards to mostly high cards) with the highest card getting its player a benefit and the lowest card getting its player a penalty.

This definitely isn't a game that you play to win, but it *is* a game that you play to experience a compelling story, and it manages that in an interesting way. During character creation, you establish a prophecy, and during gameplay you fulfill it. The prophecy invariably comes to pass, but this frees you up to focus on how it does.

Overall, if you like storytelling games with gothic or occult notes, if you like lots of little subsystems, and if you like extremely well-made books, you should check this out.