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She nearly got it that time

"Your almost there, Do you need something!?"


"Oh-Fuck you! I trying to help you-you sting kid!"

she merely laughed "you gotta do better to insult me, I've been called way worse"

"Alright, I tried helping you and I am not dealing with you or the skateboard. Shit, I'm out."

He looked at her and started walking away, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Sorry- main account stopped working)) She sighed "sorry... that was rude of me- i understand if you want to stop talking to me, but it was fun while it lasted. Bye Illumina" She teliported away

He just kept walking away

a tempory new character if thats ok)) She was back home "oh hiya river! Whats up?" A girl wearing bright colors and covered in paint flounced up "oh- nothing mutch" Riverstorms mask looked at her friend "hey paint- uhh wanna go to the art studio with me?" The girl (assumingly called  Paint) jumped up and down "yesss" "ok lemme just-" she looked at the skatebord "put this up" "kk!"

he grabbed his phone and called his friemds and asked if they wanted to go out with him and they said yes so he just sat at burger king, waiting.