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This half vampier bish i made

I see… how old is she?

"like... hm.... 25? im not sure..."

I see

I’ll start unless you want to?

oop i thought you where talking about Lefu's mom. she's 19

you can start

Jackson was out on the street at midnight 

Luna was chilling in an ally, trying to stay hidden but she was bored. Vampires were being hunted down now so she had to stay in the shadows, She fiddled with the black umbrella that she always carried around. sighing

Jackson passed by the alley and Luna could see him, he was being followed by a much older man in a hoodie

Luna glanced up, she wanted to say something about the man, but decided not to

Jackson pulled a razor out of his pocket as the man moved closer, lifting his arms up to grab Jackson and in one swift move Jackson had the razor up to the man’s throat