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Your game gets my first perfect score of this jam, 5s across the board! You clearly get what made Metroid so fun while not being slavishly devoted to it. Getting the slide powerup (which is awesome) immediately gave me that "wait I know where to use this I gotta get back there" moment.

The music is killer, the art has great NES vibes, all the little touches of polish like your gun smoking when it overheats, it's so good. You've earned a follower on itch that's for sure, gotta see what you get up to next.

Minor bugs but somehow the "Escape" sequence/countdown triggered early for me, I think, and it ran out right as I beat the boss in the pit, and then just stayed on-screen with the timer glitching out haha. But it's a jam, I get it. Overall I loved it so please keep it up!


Hah, I may have left in the debug thing to start the escape sequence in the wrong object.

You're only supposed to be able to start the sequence in the last room.

And yeah I forgot to include a fail state for the escape so the timer just goes negative, and glitches due to the sprite rendering. Though to be fair if I had included a fail state, your situation would've been trapped in a loop. While the game normally saves the player's info when you switch rooms, it doesn't during the escape run (to prevent someone from making a mistake and it causing them to be stuck).

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm planning on touching things up and putting some finishing touches to it after the voting is done. Hopefully you give it another look then.

After that, who knows? Maybe expanding the jam into a game??? :P