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Inchresting story time ish

So, a couple days ago i was playin red dead redemption 2 online cos theres some new crimes to commit and my outlaw loves crimes c:<. So i went and got a kidnapping job, all i had to do was track this guy's wagon down kill all his guards tie him up and bring him to the drop site. Easy peasy. But my horse... isn't very fast, so it was REALLY hard to catch up to them and i haven't played in a while so i forgot how to open my inventory and heal myself when i was getting shot i kept DYING and eventually chased them down into saint denis (pronounced san denise) and that place is big as fuck and big places have bystanders. So i had the cops coming after me but i kinda just ignored them and chased my dude down (cos he was on foot now) and i pinned him down on the trains tracks and tied him up and put him on my STUPID FUCKING HORSE and as i was running away my STUPID HORSE's fucking energy core ran out so it wouldn't run AND IT STARTED TRYING TO BUCK ME OFF so i gave up and started playing the story mode 

one thing i find kinda funny is my online character's honor is almost at the lowest it could be

But Arthur's like got great honor 

Same with my character is broke as hell and didn't even have boots until recently 

But arthurs got a shitton of money AND boots 

wow. Talk about a roller coaster

actually though

Everything kept going wronf 

ye .-. It kept going wayyyyyyy downhill can't you get something better than a horse??

no :(

This gane takes place in the late 1800's so horses r all i can have 

Unless i steal a carrige or something 

But i didn't want the cops coming after me 

And im awful at driving

Every time i try im reminded of... the bridge incident 


