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my name is alex?......

well do you have purple hair?



Do you have long  hair?

no :)


no i dont look like them

Are you female?



thank ye

np! can i have the link for it? also my character is under this-

I don't have the link anymore sad

go to your history and go to that site if you remember it

it's on picrew and this was from months ago;-;


Here is mine i messed up on the color so its pink instead of green:

oh she's cute.


do you want to start?

sure i guess: Lefu was just wandering around in the woods were she lived looking for something to do or a place to explore

Alex and a few other people were camping out in said woods

She saw the light of the fire and wandered towards it but staying hiden remembering what her mother said about humans (she is a forest elf btw)

she heard their conversation. It was a mix of male and female voices

"Are you crazy Alex? The Hulk could so destroy Thor."

"No you're crazy! Thor almost killed Hulk in Thor Ragnarok. You're just refusing to watch it cause you're afraid you might be wrong."

"Daries, Alex has a point. Thor might be the Strongest Avenger."

"Sabrina! You're taking her side?"

"Are you guys seriously arguing over marvel?"


sorry i was eating McDonalds)) "whats marvel?" she wondered