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I loved it. I can't wait for the following chapters to come and I just adore how much work was put into this. All the characters were charming in their own right and I still find myself remembering their names whenever I think back to the story. The main character (our character) was actually really good and smart. I found myself rooting for them and I fell in love with their personality. Of course, we choose most of the personalities and traits but it's really how the writer wrote them that made them this amazing. Elle Taylor was my jam but all the other love interests were interesting too! I found myself being swayed by Oliver, Sabine, and Gage every scene or so–they were amazing characters! And the world building, gosh, I want to see more of that. So many things to explore in this world that I wish we can do so much more with it.

All-in-all, definitely a 10/10 for me. If you're thinking of playing this game, play it. There will be no regrets I assure you!