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I don't have one and I'm not going to buy one can you snake in app like what app would you suggest

umm, like i can with the android port by luckydog7 but boyfriend would look too small (cuz the boyfriend sprite is reduced by size)

Yes that would be good oh yeah make sure be optimized I am on a old phone

months later

You don’t need to make BF look smol. Just compress teh assets, then omg optimize!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!

but it doesnt decrease the image file size (it would still be at 8000x4000 instead of 4000x4000)

(1 edit)


i’m using a optimized bf xml we both know and yes

yeeted it into my image editor and it shows the file size

keep THAT bf, not other bf sprites plz
