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In English: 

Kwami name: Sary

Species: Rare Fox

Superhero Name: Savage Rarity

Transformation Words: Sary Wild Rebellion!

De-transformation words: Sary Neutrality activated!

(Sary only has 2 modes, the neutral one that is nowhere to be found and the wild one that appears when facing the bad guys)

Weapon: Dangerous plant whip (for that reason the Kwami has antennas *especially plants* on the sides of its face)

Powers: She can teleport certain meters, her blows with the whips leave in a kind of shock and people remember sad things. (Here it may be that Sary has a sad past that is why she is only neutral or wild, she does not represent happiness as such although she thinks to open up sentimentally with those around her even if it will cost her too much)

Miraculous: A bracelet with a design of a plant called chickweed, which fits the wrist of the character wearing the kwami