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oh okay sure 

ya wanna hear an idea I have-


otay it's real long so hold on to your butt. 


ready here goes- 

So in this universe, the way vampires work is that they can only drink from specific people who's blood matches theirs. Once they drink from a person, the person becomes a donor, although the slang for it is a "Main course".  Basically, the person becomes a half-vampire, meaning that they still have blood but they're also immortal. They're more or less a vampire made for other vampires. They can also only drink the blood of the vampire who turned them. When a vampire makes a donor, the two basically become bonded to each other, meaning they can communicate telepathically, teleport to each other, shit like that. A vampire CAN drink from other donors, but it's not as effective. 

so basically one night, a horny vampire man gets really drunk at a bar. He sees a hot lad. And mans is a fuckboy. And man's is HUNGRY. So he bites this lad and then promptly passes out because blackout drunk. So this lad, being the kindhearted bottom that he is, has NO CLUE what's going on, but does take this man back to his house and lets him stay for the night, cuz mans is fucked up, and can't really get in a cab or go back to his place on his own. Next morning man wakes up and realizes he turned the guy. So the way he sees it, the only real option here is to tell this guy the truth, and then seduce him with his fuckboy ways so that hopefully this man will fall in love with him and never leave, and he will have an easily accessible donor.

o woaw

I told ya it was longgg-

It was.. very