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Hi WoodyRun, first of all, thank you so much for playing our game, we are happy that you enjoyed it!

This game is a 3rd year collage project of the Videogame Design & Development degree at University of Girona, Spain.

As students, we are still amateurs making videogames, and many problems can appear during development, so we aren't very experienced creating videogames. Also, this is our first game using Unreal Engine 4, there are still too many things that we need to learn. That's why it's so buggy and has so many problems. We are sorry that you experienced bad performance due to the lights, it is because the lightning its dynamic in all the map, and it costs a lot of resources.

We are happy that you liked our ideas, at least that's what we wanted to make it into the game, our ideas, implementing them was much more harder.

Also, if you enjoyed this game, we invite you to try many other games that made some of our classmates:

We hope you enjoy them, maybe these will be the first games of the future biggest developers.