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(4 edits)

Hey I don't know if this too late to ask but could you please add a hp bar instead of a life system? I don't like the fact you get booted back to the start and the fact that there's so little squash screentime and I actually liked the fact you could struggle out of the animation in your other game and actually survive. I know this is a platformer but some platformers(like fetish ones) utilize the hp bar system for a more, how should I say this? Immersive and easy to progress gameplay. Since your focusing more on the animations and are mostly done with the most important things(I think).


In oder to make a hp bar now I have to rewire this entire game all is already set up for the life system, so I doubt thats like a patch 1 fix.

But don't worry there is a checkpoint system to get to the enemy's faster.

Maybe the next game I am gonna add a life bar system but for now its too late to add one.