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I don't know if you know but I know that I took the Pottermore quiz so I can know what my Hogwarts House is and now I know and I'm gonna make you know that I am a Ravenclaw. I think that is innacurate cause I am big dum,no smart, brain made of candy.I have a list of times that I was a stinky smooth brain. Wise? Please. The only advice I can give to a person is murder. Wit? 50/50. Individuality? Maybe. Sharpness? Are you joking? But the common room is pretty cool so forget if I qualify or not!

I took the test and I got gryffindor...and although I do have poor impulse control I took the test again and I got hufflepuff and then a took another one just to verify it

on pottermore you can only take the test once.

Yeah but I found a way to go around that I just made a new account and I got hufflepuff and then a found a way to see what it really is it's on another website but it has the same questions...BTW have you read the harry potter books??

ok look. Being sorted into a house depends on what you choose in the moment not what you do after time to think about it. You're supposedto go into it knowing none of the questions and none of the options. That''s the point. I believe you're originally a gryffindor cause that's what you chose in the moment.

hmmm...that makes sense


BTW what is your favorite mythical creature??? It doesn't even have to be magical it can be a pirate or viking...I don't think that they are magical but I like giants

I-... vikings were real. They're not mythical... Anyway I love dragons!

and uhh so are pirates.

well ye but ppl like it as an aesthetic

my favorite is the slytherin common room

it is a really nice common room.

yep I like how hufflepuffs is near the kitchen (I eat. A LOT.) And I like how you have to answer a riddle every time you need to get into ravenclaws common room..and I like how where gryffindor's simple

I can't find a perfect one but this is a good one (in my opinion)