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Excellent game, I loved it. I had a great time enjoying every detail of this great game, it's a masterpiece. I do not have words to qualify it. After playing "Midnight Scenes - The Highway" I could not wait for the next release of your next game. You are very talented and each time you show it more in each delivery you make, the animations, the scenes and the colors are fantastic, without leaving aside the puzzles, they are excellent, worthy of a work of art. It is incredible how one person is capable of designing such a work of art as you do, you are very talented and do things with great delicacy. I can not wait for the next adventure, keep it up. You are an excellent video game developer, and stand out for your great quality and artistic style, it is unique, giving it a very cool retro effect. Hugs.

Thank you so much for your kind words Josthin!! I'm so glad you liked both games. Stay tuned for more! :D