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Day 10

Made Actor CollisionShape a capsule so if you stray too near a cliff edge, you will slide off. Optimised animate_actor() to call only when the animation has changed. Tweaked the player friction when jumping. Fixed parachute sounds continuing to play when chutes have been stowed.

Moved game timer code to the UI which now updates the PlayerData singleton. Added toggle fullscreen via F11 and cycle window resolution via F10. Added control instructions to the main menu. Added sounds for health and parachute power-ups. Replaced the clock spite in the game HUD with a lift icon.

Added camera shake effects for hits and damage and sprite echoes (ghost) when doing the flying kick. Changed some of the collectable item sprites so they stand out more clearly. Enemies spawn a bit quicker and impact on kicked enemies is higher, making it possible to push them off ledges.