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My Game isn't going to make it before cut off.

A topic by SilverEdgeGames created Jul 04, 2021 Views: 127 Replies: 5
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Hey, can you submit my game to your jam. The building for the shaders has is taking way longer then it should (+40 minutes) and I am pretty sure I am going to miss the cut off considering I have to rebuild to make sure the title screen starts first

what is this

where am I


I'm not sure if it's possible to add games to a completed jam after the fact. But if you know where to post it, you know where a bunch of players are waiting for you.

Submitted (1 edit)

Well here Is my game hopefully you can add it to the jam.  Extra credits added one of my games late to their jam years ago but I have no idea how to do it on your end.

I accidentally got here somehow guys help


Use this link to submit late.