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And what does that have to do with it?

“Law” is not always a reference for what is right or what is wrong.

Some years ago it was legal to have slaves... and even today, there are still countries that state as illegal for women to get school education.

But that doesn’t mean these are correct.


It doesn't count.


Why not?

The existence of these laws proves that law is not a reference for moral. If you have to be selective, it only means that your argument is flawed.

And also...nudity is not harmful to anyone. The only reason why it is illegal to be publicly nude in some countries (not all of it... believe me or not, there are still a lot of places that are perfectly fine with public nudity), is because the society has pushed so much on everyone these negative perspectives on nudity, that they felt entitled to forbid anyone from disagreeing with them, by claiming it as “offensive”, or “inappropriate”.


There are people who perceive homoaffective couples publicly holding hands as “offensive” and “inappropriate” as well...

However, today we all realized that the prejudiced and bigoted point of view of some people shouldn’t be enough reason to deny other people, who aren’t harming anyone, their right to be themselves and live their lives as they desire.


Actually, it's harmful to show kids nudity.


No, it isn't.

Literally every animal is born and raised in the nude, and none of them have any problem with it.

And the same could be said about humans...

Actually, every single children is born a naturist, liking to undress, play in the nude, and many of them even bathe with their parents, having no problem at all with that.

However, as they grow, the adulds starts hammering down so strongly into their minds the idea that nudity is bad, and that they should avoid it, and be ashemed of their bodies, that ONLY THEN the exposure to nudity in unexpected situations can end being shocking.

Because if the breaking of  a taboo can be difficult to deal with for an adult, it is even worst for children.

However, that problem wouldn't even exist if those taboos weren't there in the first place.

So, in the end, is not the nudity that harms children, but the creation of all of those taboos and stigmas around it.

As I mentioned before, there has already been studies conducted prooving that people who grow (even from earlier ages) in naturist/nudist environments tends to be more emotionally and psycologicaly healty than most people who don't... what comes due to the several benefits of being able to be nude, comfortable in our own skin, and exposed to nudity, in an environment free from taboos and judgements.

The reason for that... would more simply be explained by simply stating the oposite: Our bodies are naturaly designed to be nude. It is the taboo on nudity wich is harmful.

Is the fact that society teaches us to perceive our own nature, our own identity, as gross and shameful, and as something that should be hidden at all of the time, while at the same time the media and society hypervalues the idea of the "perfect/ideal" body, and of the over-s*xualization of our bodies is what causes most harm.

All of that leads to several problems with self confidence, self steem, respect, makes us more judgemental towars ourselves and the others, makes people more obsessed about p*rn content and makes them objectify more each other.

The classic saying "clothings makes the man" is yet another harmful perception, because people from our society grow used to judge each other based firstly on the pieces of cloth they hang around their bodies.

Growing in a naturist/nudist environment, or simply be exposed to a healty minimum of casual nudity, on the other hand, helps people to avoid all of that, and grow in a more healty way for the emotional, psychological, and for social interactions.

Now, you might also argue that exposing children to nudity is the same that exposing them to s*xual stuff.

Wrong again... and again, quite the opposite.

Once again, it's been proved that this natural closer connection to the human body helps children to understand their bodies, the differences, their changes and so on in a more healty way.

While beeing kept away from the sight of the human body can drive teenagers to be obsessed by p*rn, and more eager to start a more active s*x life, growing in these other situations will help the children to have more understanding and maturity when they reach this age, what greatly reduces the chances of them getting into abusive relationships, getting teenage pregnancy, or contracting STDs.

You  can even read a little bit of that subject in here:


That's not what I meant.


I am just covering all of the possibilities...

Whenever someone says “nudity is harmful to children”, they always refer to at least one of these...

But if that is not what you meant, then how do you think the exposure to nudity would be harmful?