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Hey man, I wish I could contribute to your project but I don't have creditcards nor paypal nor any means to pay.  However, I played the demo and at least I can give you some feedback, I really like the sence of humor and personality you put into the game. I kind of suck so I died quite a few times, that made some parts a little bit slow and repetitive. I would not say that the game has to be easier, I think is all right but perhaps provide the option to replay the boss encounter without having to replay the cute scene I think that would make it more enjoyable.

I must say as well that the trailler you have in your KS is amazing and it really made me interested in finding out more about your game and contributing.

I live in Ecuador and I stumbled on your game so I am a testament that you are trully reaching a worldwide audience I guess.

You inspired me to post a demo of the game I am developing and get on kickstarter as well sometime in the near future so thank you for that. I really hope you reach your goal and you get to finish your game and you put in it everything you envision. I can't contribute now but you can be sure I'll be buying the final release.



BTW I can actually bench press 220 for a good 20 reps and full rom so I could give Richard a run for his money B)

Thank you for taking the time to leave a review, your words made me so happy and I'm so glad you enjoyed the demo, my heart is really in this game. The difficulty seems to be similar for most players and the common feedback is the skipping of cutscenes, so that is a definite need. I'd love to play your demo and check out your kickstarter in the future as well!