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Day 4

I managed to finish up my plot, I have all of my items where to find them as well as a map of the place. I have even written up some 'buddies' that can escape with you. I might implement them if I have time to but for now I need to begin coding my text adventure. When you change locations it shows at the top of the screen. Interactable things are all color coded thanks to bbcode. 

Yellow= locations, 

Red/green=NPCs, (red are hostile, green is friendly), 

blue= interactable objects.

 I put a bunch of actions on the side to give players hint. I coded it to be flexible. For instance if you want to go to your cage you can type 'cage' or 'Cage' as well as 'go to cage' or 'Go to cage'. As you can see its not case sensitive.

Since I have all of my locations and actions ready all I need to do is implement them and voila!

Wait that's not supposed to happen
The location descriptions were doubling up so after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to move some code around. 

Maybe if I put it under the ready function it will work. 


It must be because I have the Cage text in there twice. If I could take it out completely and instead WRITE it in the bb text editor it will clear up.  


What If I clear the text before the player changes locations

no you fool none of this works.

The only option now is to go back and rewrite my code.  I can't wait to go insane from this!