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If you accidentally skipped out on Roushk's romance because you didn't have enough like points at the time of the celebration, here's a small guide for you so you don't have to replay the whole game. This same method could probably be used for pretty much any event but you'll have to experiment with the values. 

1. Make a copy of your latest save (just in case). 

2. Go to and upload your save. 

3. Using the built-in browser search (or find in page menu), search for the term 'return_gems' and you'll be directed towards 4 values for 'ruin_roushk_return_gems'. 

4. Ignore the one with the 'Daily Number', change the 'new 1/0' value to '1' and change the 'limit' value to '0'.

Done! Now when you go talk to Roushk, you'll have the option to return the gem that you currently have and once you do that, it'll trigger the celebration event where you can talk to Othra about liking Roushk and bam, now you're in love with a massive red lizard. 

I tried making my normal Logan into bottom using the same method by trying to revert my decision and Encourage Him to attack the bandit camp. This actually worked but the event was deemed 'complete' so I'll probably have to do a lot of changes to make it work. 

I (pretty much) finished my first playthrough and honestly didn't think I'd be so invested in this game and the characters (Love me some Bernard but for now Roushk and Logan are my bae lol) so thank you so much for this amazing game!