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How do i get the Logan on prowl rng thing in old barn its never happening

Did you encourage Logan to go to the Bandit's Camp? Have you visited Caleb and had sex with him through the gloryhole? If you did both those things, just keep leaving the barn and going back. It doesn't cost any time on the game clock. If you did not do both those things it will not happen.


Got both of the conditions, does the time matter? gonna try again

(1 edit)

It isn't marked with a time-of-day requirement but I only ran one passthrough with Bottom Logan and it was after 19:00 if I remember correct.

The great thing about Bareshade is you can hop in and out of places, even the whole town, and as long as you don't interact the clock doesn't advance. I am persistent as hell when I want something RNG to trigger.


Nah i dont get the event we are talking about the barn where caleb lived y? I got Logan Bottom and Caleb Gloryhole but i dont get the event :/

Yeah, the Old Barn where Caleb lives. I got no idea what's holding you back. Some events require a certain Role or Position, that's the only other variable I can think of (Bi Dom Top here). Hope someone else has some ideas.