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(4 edits) (+1)

the game needs
1. more clothes
2. more character customization 
3. maybe a way to upgrade your weapons and armor?
4. maybe update the character models?
5. more character's.. like some character u pick has more Health but less damage an some the other way around?
6. maybe character class's like Class: ninja, faster, less health... ETC.?
7. more settings
8. different maps
9. maybe boss's?
10. maybe you have more health an so does the enemy's because the fights are just a little to fast an it might help with the game being longer
11. maybe fetishes'
12. more XXX scenes and maybe there's XXX scenes in the arena?

here are 12 things i think would improve the game...
an thank you dev's for creating the game...


Thanks for you feedback, I like some of the ideas.

I plan to for sure add more content first. A dungeon mode.

And later down the line add dark arena and update the main character.