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(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not sure if it's intentional but the menu music overlaps with the rest of the content. Maybe adding more sfx to the text scrolling, or a volume slider in the dropdown not just start menu would be great. I'm surprised all this content was made in only 3 days, pretty large team. For some reason it reminds me of Fable 2, just more animal.  It did crash while I was going through it like your comment below said, this is an interesting take on the two sides theme, would've loved to see something to help keep track of the story, possible even chapter select, but overall a good visual novel considering the time restraints.

Thanks for your feedback and advices!

(1 edit)

We've probably spent a LOT of time on the narrative and the visual, so there are some annoying bugs left in the game. We will definitely fix all the bugs and you will be able to go through the story to its logical end.