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My very first reaction to the demo, when i looked at the page, was a bit disappointment that the guys aren't that much of eyecandy. The description of the game and the main character beeing pretty convinced me to download and try it regardless^^  
Then I was a bit sad that the elf turned out beeing the MCs brother and beeing off the table with that. Also the weird shadow on his neck annoyed me a bit, but i figured later that it has to be some kind of mark, maybe a short comment of Dere in her thoughtprocess about that could clear confusion^^
Further it felt a bit spiky to me that the inner thoughts and her point of view are titled as narrator. For me a marked out narrator in this kind of setting would refer to a third party uninvolved into the happenings that is telling the story. I was getting used to it pretty quickly and soon it didn't feel weird anymore.
I got hooked to the story right away. The world is interesting and i was beeing glad about all the informations i was given. With that wonder about the new world i had the right excitement for my first contact with the other dormmembers. The guys not beeing overly fancy pretty didn't matter anymore as i started to get to know the different characters and i guess for some people it is probably rather a plus instead of a minus, so a thing about personal taste.
I really enjoyed the dates on my first walkthrou, trying to be the good little sister and doing my best to play my exspected role while still beeing true to myself. I was very pleased to get along with everyone ( Soulles doesn't count!) while picking the choices that were closest to my own personality. I usually do my first playthrou like that and mostly it lets me end up all alone so that little success was certainly pleasing^^ I think everyone of them is charming in their own ways, even tho poor Davis and Alyth loosing a bit because of the missing sprites. It makes them appear a bit like sidecharacters at first. I am looking forward to Spacecowboy Davis, somehow i ended up picturing him like that in my head, it's probably the hat of the fill-in-sprite. And Soulless is...  well, I have to agree with Anton there - she does make things more amusing at least. I liked to find out during the multiple playthrous that the characters have more to them than only what meets the eye or just one "secret" wich existence was obvious from beginning. 
Javion was beeing my favourite right off the bat. I really like the steampunk touch of the Temiss fashion. Also his detached directness amused me a lot. I am excited to see his structured analytical mind clashing with the chaos of emotions. I imagine it turning out hilariously cute. I am looking forward to the fireworks :) The invitation szene that left Davis speechless is one of my favourites. I got a bit cross with Javion throughout the replays that he doesn't let me have my tour! Guess it's either love or hate with him :/  I really wanted that tour!
The scavanger hunt left me a bit disappointed. It was very easy (well, that is Beths fault! Since aimed at the general audience *pouts together with Javion*) and also the character dialouges were pityable short and plainly uneventfull.
I also like the classes and tests! Well, there is a mistake in Triskes lecture:  The test contains the Question in wich Year the Van Daken family took control over the alliance. That information was no part of the lecture itself (yes, Dere was late, but she got a summaration of what she missed) it was only mentioned later in the discussion part of the class and the "right" answer of the test was beeing said by Triskel to be the current year and not the year of the first Van Daken King. Other than that i did not notice any other logical issues. There was only one scene during the festival I first thought it would be a mistake but now i rather think it was an intentional thing - when Thaddeus called Javion Mr Wears. After the tests i got errors when i made one mistake during the test on the first day and aced the other ones. During the Kissing booth event sprites started to pile up after i retrieved the candies (yay for multiple armed Dere :D)  I think i got a few other error messages at some points, but i did not memorize when. Just clicked ignore and it didn't cause further issue. I cannot say much about typos and grammar errors. English is not my first language and i am definitely lacking myself in that area, but I think i was able to understand everything and did not find any dialouges that didn't make sense, other than story given confusion, what is a good thing. Dere does not know everything. It's part of the charme of the game.
All in all the demo really impressed me. So many different "stories" with the different choices one takes. I also like Dere very much. She is not beeing stupid and dumb, what i really appreciate. It's a lot of fun to explore the covenant together with her and learn more about the world of Avalon.
I am definitely looking forward to more.