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I absolutely love this game! I'd downloaded it forever ago and kinda forgot about it, but spotted it in my files the other day. It was amazing to play :D

(There's not exactly spoilers? I wouldn't consider there to be spoilers)

 The amount of story detail amazes me, though I do wish you could spend more time with the characters (including the side characters) before going back to the objective. I also tried for about an hour to play the game without hitting anyone- like every fight, my first action was to guard to see if they were actually going to fight me!

Also, THE ART!! Can I talk about the art? I fell in love with the art so very fast, only to fall more in love as the game progressed. The details in all the characters, whether being in their clothes or the area they surround themselves in, it's astonishing! Not to mention the cut scenes in the game look great- they're breathtaking!! 

I really wish there was more storyline, or other route. Mare is perfect the way it is though :)                           [It's also my favorite game now]