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Hi Melon! First of all amazing software you have created! My chat loves to bonk me and I really think this application will satisfy their bonking!

However, I was able to do everything besides the tracking. I am currently getting a new upgrade for my avatar (new expression, it makes the file becomes a VSF) when I uploaded a VRM file of my old model everything is perfectly fine! But, when I use the newer model (which is the VSF) I'm stuck in this weird position the only lets me turn left and right but I can't look around or anything... And when I want to throw stuff at my face it gets thrown way over my head. Could this be a model problem?

I am having the exact same issues with my model

Hey there I'm dealing with the same issue with my VSFavatar format. I'm thinking it might have to do with the blendshapes? Maybe this program will not work with blendshapes that add things to the head face and arms? For example I have a hat I can put on with a hot key by hiding the assest and setting up and animation thru Unity.  Any luck on a fix to this?  Because it kinda limits people who use VSF format. Or is this a user error that can be fixed?