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"What did they say too you..?"

"T-They messed up my cards..."

He gasped and looked at him

"Keane, you have every right to be mad. They were yours and they touched you want me too see if I can get you more..or we can make more together..?"

"I...don't wanna..."

"No..Alright, well..I don't think you should have gotten in trouble for that but..I do hope you know that if you do that again you'll stay longer..I know, what they did was very wrong and disrespectful but if you do things like'll have to stay longer.."


"I know..its stupid..but they base this off of behavior..if you can't act right then they'll keep you longer and it can take you up to years to get out.."

"I-It's...not fair..."

"I know, that's why I am going to complain about it just to make it fair. They deserve to be with handcuffed in a padded room just like you, and that's what I'll try to get to happen..okay..?"
