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After reading some of the negative feedback, I had to play it for myself - and I have to say it's a totally fine, serviceable game. I don't read NTR much (so I don't have enough experience to say if this qualifies as NTR or a subgenre), but I don't mind it either.

Honestly I don't know how you could interpret the player character as a "loser"; he managed to make an impression on a girl who's slept with hundreds of other guys. In some games you date the girl, and in some you just swing with them (kinda like real life!) - so I don't understand all the hate.


Thank you for playing the game!

As it is, the MC goes along with the flow, but never tried to change the situation or relationship. Maybe this inactivity is perceived as a 'loser' trait? But this was super short KN project so no room for story development or character progression. lol.

Some did mention why they didn't like it with explanation of why, but some didn't. So I am not too sure for those who didn't explain. 

But anyhow, thank you for playing the game. Hopefully it was entertaining 5-10 min of read. :) 

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