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Over a super soothing and smooth presentation, nice work! I found the atmosphere along with the text to be pretty meditative and I'm wondering if you'd try to push a narrative with it if you added more levels, I think that would be awesome. One thing I was confused on was the combat system, I don't know if I missed it in the tutorial but it seems a bit random and a couple times I'd lose 1v1 fights and wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong.

Thanks you!

You didn't miss anything I think, the battle system is a bit jerky and has flaws correlated to frame rate.. I will work on that as soon as the jam ends!

Thanks for your feedback!

Hey there, it's been a while!
Since you played the GMTK demo a year ago, a new version has been uploaded with a new aesthetic and many features added! We are pretty close to a full release!

See by yourself in browser or download Android app!