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Resource management, survival game. Hentai, lewd, adult content included, don't get fucked! · By noxDev

Fatal Error Crash

A topic by FluffyBish created Jun 16, 2021 Views: 183 Replies: 2
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I bought this game over a year ago and have NEVER gotten it to work on any platform. I accepted the Unreal Engine download,approved the connection , and im still met with a black screen and an error message. I had hoped maybe the latest update had fixed this issue, but no dice. Any assistance would be appreciated.


Hmm, what version of DirectX are you using? I think it needs to be 12 or higher. If you can send me the error message I can hopefully provide more assistance.

Not really sure. I downloaded the one that popped up when I tried to play the game, but each time I was met with this error message.

Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 853] 

Rendering thread exception:

Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Util.cpp] [Line: 198] 

Unreal Engine is exiting due to D3D device being lost. (Error: 0x887A0006 - 'HUNG')

Unhandled Exception: 0xc0000027

0x00007ffaf8a74b89 KERNELBASE.dll!UnknownFunction []