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This was a neat little game, even though I got stuck at level 5 on my first run because the character de-spawned -- I think it had something to do with trying to jump just as he was spawning in after dying. Anyhow, the idea of coupling two controls is not the most original, but you got the most gameplay out of it (and the fact that you cannot stop running unless against the wall harkens back to the last year's jam theme IMO). One little nitpick I had was that the first level is IMO harder than levels two and three because the latter both have "safe parking spots", while the first doesn't, which makes the difficulty curve dip somewhat. In terms of progression, I'd place level 1 after 2 or even after 3.


Yeah I agree it wasn't the most unique, but I think I pulled it off well, the level 5 but was a design oversight on my part, and could easily be fixed but it was late when I submitted and I didn't catch it in time, the difficulty curve is messed up, right at the end I shuffled the levels up to try to make the curve better, but I couldn't get to a very good spot with it, I loved how the game turned out and want to continue the project after im done with my current project. Thank you very much for the feedback!