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Yeah we focused on the core gameplay and level design during the jam and skipped all the extra stuff like menus.

Also thanks for the feedback on sound. Created one of them using MetaSounds from UE5 and the rest was just me recording mouth sounds 😅 but they worked out very well, the switch sound is the only one we took premade.. Also good that you like the music  Kevin MacLeod does amazing work.

We'll see what we do with this prototype the coming weeks. During the jam we had additional ideas for more combinations of the existing mechanics and some alternatives.

That great you did it with UE5, that was also my engine. I did not had a chance to try the MetaSound yet, seem to work well for you. Locking forward to see this game evolved!


Yeah, we used latest UE4 for the game. I just used UE5 for MetaSounds and export it/record the sfx :) But yeah still looking into UE5 for more other prototypes.