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Hey IndieDream, it was great to meet you! And I promise, once I have a Windows I will be trying your game as well.. Or shall we just collab' next jam? 😉

The yellow blocks were a move I learned from GMTK for sure, hahah. They just had to have that buildup behaviour too, credits to @Sam.

I would have loved more dynamic music, and just a bigger frenzy once things get going. Like a slow zoom-out, and faster blocks! 

Cheers buddy, talk again sometime!


Hi Franchovy!

Love the enthusiasm, and glad you still plan to check out our game! I learned that I should provide WebGL builds for these things... Well, we are all here to learn.

Love the offer, but I think my team and I probably won't be doing jams for a while as we try to bring our game into commercial space. If you ever have any questions or need some quick playtesting feedback from a fellow dev during your next jam, feel free to ask me! I will be extra critical!

Best of luck, friend!

Brandon from TheIndieDream

Hi Franchovy!

Just wanted to let you know that there is a WebGL version now available for our game on it's page:

Hope you enjoy!


Brandon from TheIndieDream