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not only a gift shop... it has all your needs! I made it myself! The more people buy here the more money I get the more money I get the more I will be able to afford UPGRADES! Soon enough this would be a super market... maybe... anyway want to buy something?

S skid!?


I didn’t know you ran a store 

I do now! What do you think?

it’s nice and quaint I like it!


so wanna buy anything?

what do you have?

almost everything.

do you have a engraved hunting knife with my name?

can i get a painting canvas so i can something for someone

ok that will be... 10.99

k lemme just (gets 11 dollars out of my pocket)

here you go skid :> (lays on table)

thanks! *gives canvas* watchu gonna paint with it?

a sunset with me and the friend im giving it too on it :>

its my appreciation for them being my best friend, but im just gonna (places 11 dollars again on the table and grabs another canvas) bye bye!

bye! And thanks!
