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Shieeet is this some kind of variation on Ice Climbers but in first person where you swap peeps??

Honestly this is a cool ass idea, I just feel that the whole swapping character system doesn't work very well for what the game wants you to do, you constantly break momentum because you want to go fast.  I feel like the game would work a lot better as two players that have a tether that pull one another around the map, similar to ice climbers.. Or you focus on making it more puzzle heavy, and try to lean on what the rope could do, even if it just does restrict one another.  Maybe making it more physics driven with a real rope would help this game have a lot more going for it.

At present though, I did have fun, and got a fairly good score.  It was put together well, the music was nice, I like that the tutorial was just text at the start, it was minimalistic but worked well.

Great job!

Would really appreciate your feedback on ours as well, if/when u have a chance! :)