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Ya, replayed the last week and got a different one.  I'll wait for your reply before I try again.  Although since I assume others are fine in the current version I am guessing this might be more because of how I played/my stats at the end, and if I play again from the beginning I should be fine?

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/day cycle2.rpy", line 3701, in script
    if current_multi_event == "altruist2!":
Exception: Possible infinite loop.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "game/day cycle2.rpy", line 3701, in script
    if current_multi_event == "altruist2!":
  File "C:\Users\JJLet\Documents\YourRoyalGayness-1.9.1-win\YourRoyalGayness-1.9.1-win\renpy\", line 54, in check_infinite_loop
    raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.")
Exception: Possible infinite loop.

Your Royal Gayness 1.9.1

Hey there! Thanks for the bug reports! We thought we had fixed all of them, but it appears there's still something wrong with the altruist (good guy) route of the game since both of the bugs you encountered have to do with altruist stuff.
I'm sorry you haven't been able to finish your playthrough. We'll try to fix these soon and release a small patch with bug fixes. :)

Thanks, I wasn’t too worried.  I knew you guys would fix it once you got the chance :)