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A fun and straightforward puzzle that wants a player to find the most optimal way to solve the level. I am guessing ur presentation is "linking up OS system".

confusing area

- Can't tell where is the circle is at the start of the level. change the color of the circle would make it easier to spot.

-Can't tell where is the other "square" without using energy. having a dotted square is could help inform the player where are they without wasting energy switching around.

Extra suggestion for improvement
-Adding enemy (in-game context "virus") that move per turn the same way as you, will give variety and more challenge.
-Adding a battery to either recharge energy or give player points, it could make the level easier or give the player an optional objective "collect them all" aka more variety to your game.

Thanks for the feedback! Funny enough, I intended to add both your extra suggestion, but time didn’t allow me at the end.

No prob, thanks for trying my game too. Yep, time is always an issue, so a good design skill to have is cutting feature without affecting fun.

on the bright side, it means both suggestions are considered safe to implement since this game is asking these feature to be added.