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I enjoyed the swinging ball / charging mechanic. Having that indirect way of affecting the doors - and other mechanics if this game was extended. However, I found that the character could not jump high enough to get up onto the blocks. Specifically,  the only way to get up onto the block is using diagonal jumps / exploiting a hitbox of the ground - very hard to do. Also, it felt like the charge drained very fast.  In the last level, I charged the first two doors, and went to charge the second set, and found myself unable to return. However, this may have just been the wrong solution.  Also, the checkpoint at the last level does not return to the last level, but rather the third level.


Thanks for your comment.

In the engine, the jumping was super good and you could do the levels easily, however after the export, the player jumped way less than before, we couldn't fix it because of the time sadly.

The checkpoints should actually work fine, actually one time it happened to me too, but other than you, I respawned in the next level, weird.