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I really like the style, concept and overall presentation... but the controls were a little hard to get used to. Even after telling my brain that left was diagonal up I still couldn't really do it.

I think shifting the controls to match the isometric view would have helped a bunch because it was hard for me to wrap my brain around it.

Oh and I had a bug where I lost control of both cubes a few times. Usually happened when I collided with another object while detaching. Resetting fixed it but still thought you should know.

Still an enjoyable game though! Liked it a lot.

Thank you for playing the game! I haven't encountered the bug you mentioned so I'll try to duplicate it. For the controls, I was also thinking about it during the start of the game jam to match the isometric view but for me, it kind of felt off in a way because of how the stages were designed. I wanted to add in the tutorial level indicators on which button would make the cube move in which direction.

I'll keep in mind the suggestion of matching the controls to the isometric view (as a toggleable setting) but for now, I'll leave it skewed since it's still the voting period.