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I love how the crabs look :D The idea is used to its limits and the diffrent slimes makes the game more interesting. I also noticed the color assist mode wich is a plus for this kind of game great thinking :D

I think the game needs an undo action button becouse sometimes  i was so close to solving a puzzle then made a small mistake and had to do it again from start :/

Other than that it was very fun to play this game great puzzles and sound desing amazing job :D

Reposting my thoughts on an undo button from below:

I think an undo button undermines the point of having a failstate. That being said, level 7 is far too long and punishing without an undo button. I'd like to believe each level can be designed so an undo button isn't needed, but I'm certainly not good enough a designer to pull that off well.

Thanks for checking out the game. I'm glad you like the crabs. The sprites were a lot of fun to make.