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Well, I feel like I finally mastered the art of jumping in this game... but I do have to agree with other commenters that the "sticking" aspect is quite annoying! XD  Not wanting to sound overly harsh, just to say that that combined with the long time that it takes to fall back down after most jumps makes it difficult to navigate. 
Howevet, what stopped me was that poor little lizard.  At first I thought well, it's a peaceful lizard and that's why when the rock hits it it's a reset because you're not supposed to hurt it.  But then my character came in contact with it and the room reset... so... my theories of friendly innocent lizard were shattered.  :D  But anyway due to the sticking I couldn't actually make the rock go down the path it was presumably supposed to go down, and thus my playthrough was at an early end.
This has a cute look going to it, kudos on the art.  I also really appreciated that the input was all-keyboard.  I'd love to see as another commenter was saying, the prompts be more along the lines of the "show, don't tell" encouraged by many game-makers, because it allows more of a sense of discovery that way.  But really, thanks for the game experience!  Cheers.


Thanks so much for playing and your feedback, I learned a lot from your comment!