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(2 edits) (+1)

The music and SFX are great, really ties the whole game together! Puzzles are a lot more complex than I thought they would be, there's some really interesting ideas here that I'd love to see explored in a full game. Art could use a revamp though, the simple character designs are butting up against the more detailed background and the colors could use some adjustment to make them more complementary (try using Adobe Color, it'll save you a ton of time picking colors).

EDIT: Just noticed the color assist mode, great idea!

Thanks for checking it out and the kind words! 

Yeah, half the art was placeholder, but I didn't have the heart to redo the slimes in the end. I liked the bright slime colors vs the bland backgrounds, but I definitely eyeballed other colors and didn't try to make a cohesive theme with menus, particularly the green and pink menu backs. Thanks for the feedback!

And yeah, for a game based on color, it was a no brainer!