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loud SQUISH sound when entering through the nommy evil mouth looking gates confused me lol. Too loud of a sound but that's my only complaint 

I was a little confused when I unzipped the file, thought you just uploaded the source files not the game, but nope, Game_jam.exe is in there and working. (this is for other people who might miss it by unzipping the file and quickly glancing)

Controls are nice, level design is very good too, this was a lot of fun figuring out which way the red cousin will go, trying to keep him away from portal.

Wrote this in python? which library did you use? 

Is this the last level? cuz I always seem to get 'game over' when I get to this and jump into portal


Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, I made it in Python using the Pygame library.

Sorry for the game over glitch- I had to make it in 24 hours by myself instead of 48, and the last part was a little rushed...

Thank you for playing!


that's totally understandable :D it's very solid, especially for a 24 hour entry lol. Good job, I had a ton of fun playing it. Looking forward to a post jam version with more levels